The Right to Complain
I had a conversation the other day with a client that recalled a memory almost long forgotten. Had it not been for our previous conversations relating to a few choices he made months back, I might have let my response to his talk slip through unchallenged. The recurring theme however was too much to turn away from and I went to work. I shared the following information with him.
I have something frightening to share with you. There's a little known organization that exists in this world that many could benefit from knowing about. The organization is a secret and anonymous group. In fact, it's so secret and anonymous that many of its very members don't even know that they are part of it. This is what makes it so scary. Its existence is not even based on a conscious conspiracy.
Before I let you in on the name of the organization, I want to focus on three of the most interesting characteristics of the membership.
The first item to recognize is of course what I just mentioned. It is a rare quality to see any of the members know that they are part of the organization much less admit to membership. They are oblivious to this knowledge and even if prompted to admit being a part of it, their behavior rarely changes.
The second characteristic that you'll notice about these people is that they are continuously complaining. I don't mean intermittently. I mean that given the opportunity to bend an ear, they will go for it every time to the point of nausea for the poor soul who crosses their path.
The third characteristic could be considered humorous if not so sad. This would be the direction to which they choose to complain. More specifically, they choose to complain in a direction that makes no difference whatsoever.
The last item on the list is the most frightening of all though. It deals with the poor souls who come into their lair. Unbeknownst to these travelers, the person they have encountered truly doesn't want a solution to their complaints. Their whole being is caught up in the act of complaining. To do less would alter not only their life and business style, but their manner of being. This is intolerable to the member and pity the person who tries to assist them for they will be continually drained by their vain attempts to help the complainer.
So, what is the name of this organization and why is it so important for you to know it? Good question. If you're ready for the truth, this information is life changing!
Do you find this concept "provoking?" Care to read more? Want to take action that will "provoke your success?" This and fifty-seven more chapters designed to provoke your success can be found here.
Coach John S. Nagy is CEO and Lead Business Coach for Coaching for Success. Inc., a Business Coaching Service specifically designed for top level decision makers dedicated to peak performance in all facets of their activities. He's hired to focus them continuously in activities that bring higher returns on their resource use. His programs are for the seriously committed. This means having his clients work "ON" their businesses, not just "IN" it. He's a published author and a multi-degree professional with a nationwide client base. Coach Nagy can be reached through his E-mail address at his website at and by calling 813-949-0718.
Copyright © 1999-2007 John S. Nagy