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Scripts & Timing for the "Foot Challenged"

It never fails to amaze me how some folks are totally devoid of feelings in their feet. You can always tell when you meet one of these unfortunate souls. It's subtle things that give them away. Things like, the fully loaded machine gun locked on automatic, trigger pulled with the muzzle placed squarely against their foot, for one. And while the gun is unloading on their "underSTANDing," they are oblivious to the noise and the splattering going on.

We all recognize the telltale traits when they rear their ugly head at us. There's simply lots of noise and mess when they're present and we're left to feel walked on.

And the oddest thing about these folks is that many of them succeed in spite of their ineptitude. The numbers are on their side. They forge ahead regardless of their lack of awareness and sales occur, no! a better word here is "happen," thru no fault of their own.

Now I've coached a fair amount of telemarketers in my time. I've done script development with teams to sharpen them up to a fine edge. I've, in all humility, created some mighty fine works of verbal art that made Team Managers want to do the calling themselves. If just for the experience of unloading the script on some unsuspecting person who habitually picks up their phone even though the caller ID display screen screams, "Don't do it!"

And I'm no different when it comes to playing telephone roulette. Although, unlike the average recipient of these audio assaults, I'm someone who has been on both sides of the telemarketing effort. This puts me at an advantage to find some great joy in turning the tables on the very people I coach. And that's just what happen to me the other day.

It was a balmy Sunday morning just a few minutes after nine that the call came in. It was quite unexpected since everyone knows Sunday mornings are considered "sacred time." No person in their right mind would ever want to disturb the typical American urbanite in this time slot. Sunday mornings are considered "personal" especially after a wondrous evening of blissful rest. So when the call came in I thought that this call MUST be an emergency and I picked it up.

What was to follow was an unbelieveable example of all the things a telemarketer -- or anyone else making a phone call -- should avoid at all costs.


Do you find this concept "provoking?" Care to read more? Want to take action that will "provoke your success?" This and fifty-seven more chapters designed to provoke your success can be found here.


Coach John S. Nagy is CEO and Lead Business Coach for Coaching for Success. Inc., a Business Coaching Service specifically designed for top level decision makers dedicated to peak performance in all facets of their activities. He's hired to focus them continuously in activities that bring higher returns on their resource use. His programs are for the seriously committed. This means having his clients work "ON" their businesses, not just "IN" it. He's a published author and a multi-degree professional with a nationwide client base. Coach Nagy can be reached through his E-mail address at his website at http://www.coach.net and by calling 813-949-0718.


Copyright © 1999-2007 John S. Nagy

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