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Compliments of Coach John S. Nagy
  1. Contact all coaches that are in your immediate area and then the coaches that are in the surrounding areas. Local chapter will eventually have regional meetings which will include surrounding chapters.

    Questions: Who's in the area? Who's in the surrounding areas? Who are the key contacts in each area?

  2. Find out which coaches are willing and able to support functions of the chapter. The most successful HOSTS are those who can rally support and delegate most tasks. Spread out all the support needs to as many coaches as possible. (Make it a chapter requirement to serve if you can.)

    Questions: Who can do what? How can and will you ask them to support the chapter activities?

  3. Continue to foster a sense of community at all time - ei: how can we serve society, clients and coaches.

    Questions: What actions best serve them all?

  4. Maintain contact with local media sources, directly and indirectly.

    Questions: Who has radio or tv shows? What coaches are writing columns? Who has done spotlights in the past and are they interested in a followup or different view/prospective? Who in the chapter is good at PR? Are they willing to take on the PR task?

  5. Plan monthly meetings via phone or in-person. Maintain contact during the month with all members. Send e-mail on a regular basis regarding chapter interests and activities.

    Questions: What activities interest your chapter members? What support can your email and meetings give to its chapters members?

  6. Get listed in the coaches ICF referral service as a host and/or member.

    Questions: What key points do your members want to share on their registration that reflects the flavor of their chapter?

  7. Plan to have local news releases.

    Questions: What announcements might interest the locals? Any seminars soon planned?

  8. Make sure any seminars that are planned are inclusive of the local chapter for support and contact information.

    Questions: Who do we call to keep plugged in to what's going on locally and nationally?

  9. Support conventions! Be in the know.

    Questions: How can we maximize our chapters exposure when a convention is planned for our area?

  10. Have fun! Dance at this and take nothing on that would not be joyful to execute.

    Questions: How can we make this fun for all?

  11. Get registered on the ICF CHAPTER PAGES.

    Questions: Who are the chapters contacts? What are the activities?

  12. Use the bulletin boards.

    Questions: What information can we send out that will help our chapter?

  13. Get a majordomo for your chapter.

    Questions: Who's on the list for our chapter?

  14. Invite local businesses to the meetings.

    Questions: What business might benefit by coming to the chapter meetings?

  15. Start a speaker's department.

    Questions: Who in your chapter can speak well on certain topics? How can the chapter make this information available to the locals?

  16. Start a local referral program.

    Questions: Who can we refer to who? What cross referrals can we make? Who can we open this up to other professions?

  17. Start a mentorship program.

    Questions: What areas can we support community, personal and business growth?

  18. Start a buddy system program to help coaches build their business.

    Questions: Who could use the buddy system concept to benefit the most?

  19. Your chapter can be a resource for many topics.

    Questions: How about quarterly symposiums?

  20. Create a presence in your community that is evident.

    Questions: How can we complement other strong presences in such a way as to maximize our attraction and exposure?

  21. Make it fun! If the general membership meetings are centered around the organization itself, how it is run, who is going to lead or what's going to be planned, have a steering committee meeting that is separate from any general membership meetings. Nothing will kill a group's enthusiasm faster then to have the general membership meetings bogged down in the details that a steering committee could handle easier, more effectively and with less interference from people non investing in the welfare of the group.

    Questions: How can we make the running of the group transparent to the group?

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